Weekending as a 46 year old
Some weekends make you stop and realise that you are no longer the age that you think you are in your head, which, as we all know, is twenty-something-ish. In fact, this summer, I’ll turn 46.
It’s true that each year since I turned 40, I’ve found winters in the UK a little bit harder. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why we bought in Spain? So this weekend I was especially grateful to see some blue sky, and couldn’t be happier that the clocks went forwards. I’m all about the lighter nights and mornings. It just feels like my days are double the length. Who knows, now the spring is here, I might even start doing a bit of exercise again.. I also might not. That feels a bit radical. But I feel better to say that I might consider it.
The appreciation of my age started early on Saturday when I groaned out of bed at 06:00 to walk my daughter to work. Once I was showered and caffiened up, I actually welcomed being out so early. As I dropped her off, the clouds parted to reveal a beautiful blue sky. The early morning sun caught the tips of a nearby cherry blossom and it made me genuinely smile. Appreciating nature’s beauty definitely comes with age.
By mid-morning, I was noticing more blossom and magnolia. Somewhere at the back of my mind, I remembered that the National Trust have some kind of blossom campaign. I Googled. My memory had served me well. It’s called #blossomwatch, and it’s now in its third year. Similar to the amazing ‘hanami’ in Japan (definitely on my bucket list), the campaign is for all ages to enjoy. Not just for the forty-somethings! There’s a similar campaign in the US too. In fact, on 23rd March the park service declared it peak bloom in Washington DC.
They’re clearly ahead weather-wise over in the States, as I had to search hard to find a lot of good blossom in South Leicestershire this weekend. But I made an extra effort to go out of my way, as we know that one strong gust of wind and it’ll all be gone. As I wandered, my mid-forties-self considered buying National Trust membership. I paused. Surely that’s what I would buy for my parents? But no, that time is now my time. And for the record, it seems like incredibly good value…
Whilst the sun shone, I had my first cuppa and cake break outside this year. The Café in Welland Park at midday, post Parkrun (I hadn't done it, clearly) was perfectly quiet and as I sat and watched the world go by, I enjoyed the gentle warmth on my face. I know I’m a British cliché writing about the weather, but clichés are clichés for a reason. We get to talk about the weather constantly, because it’s constantly, gloriously unpredictable. And on Saturday it was a glorious introduction to spring.
As I pottered my way around the rest of my weekend, I noticed my other age-appropriate activities. A 50th birthday party on Saturday night. A 50th! Long gone are the 30ths and 40ths! The way I recovered? By watching the BBC Big Night of Musicals. And then, wait for it… I even got my sewing machine out on Sunday afternoon to make some cushion covers for Spain. I should just go ahead and join the WI now…
For what it’s worth, I am actually quite happy and comfortable being the age that I am. It’s just that every now again, and this weekend was a case in point, there’s some very real reminders of what that age actually is. Not least, when buying my non-alcoholic G&Ts to take to the party, the 17 year old shop assistant had to confirm that I was age appropriate. He took one look at my salt and pepper hair and actually apologized.
So, that is how the rock and roll lifestyle of this 46 year old played out this weekend. Now, you’ll have to excuse me as it’s time for my afternoon nap.